First corvette built by Romanians has been delivered to Pakistan's Navy

The first patrol vessel built by Romanian workers, in Romania, has been delivered to the Pakistan's Naval Forces on Thursday, during a ceremony organized at the Passengers' Terminal, in Constanţa Port.


Imaginea articolului First corvette built by Romanians has been delivered to Pakistan's Navy

First corvette built by Romanians has been delivered to Pakistan's Navy

The Corvette Offshore Patrol Vessel 1900 - ʺPNS YARMOOKʺ, with a length of 91 meters, has been built by the Dutch company Damen, in Galaţi Shipyard. Representatives of the Pakistan's Naval Forces have participated at Thursday's event along with representatives of the Romanian Naval Forces and Damen.

The ceremony started at 11:00 and lasted about an hour, during which the representatives of the two partners gave several thanking speeches.

Later, they made press statements in front of the ship and boarded it in a first tour of the "Romanian Corvette" for the Pakistani fleet.

"For the last three years, I have worked on this ship after the initial auction in Pakistan. In June 2016, we were chosen as preferred bidders for this project. The project was named OPV1900 or Corvette 1900. This ship was built in accordance with Pakistan's specifications. We just built the ship. Military weapons and equipment will be mounted in Pakistan. The ship is built for maritime security and customs operations, related to the police, or anti-piracy, this kind of operations. The difference between an OPV-type ship, such as this, and a frigate from the Netherlands is that the OPV ship was made in accordance with commercial specifications, which makes the construction process relatively cheaper, but as demanded by the Pakistan Navy there have also been added elements specific to military ships. The ship has a platform for landing helicopters, but also a fast intervention boat in the stern of the ship. The construction price of the ship is written into the contract and is confidential", said the naval adviser of Damen and former director of the Dutch Coast Guard.

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