“The security enhancements outlined in the declaration continues Romania’s progress on the path toward visa-free travel to the U.S., and possible designation as a VWP member,” the document reads.
"I commend the Romanian government for its commitment to these security enhancements and our shared value of freedom," said Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff. "This achievement builds on the strong relationship our nations share and brings us closer to the day when the citizens of Romania can travel without a visa."
The Visa Waiver has functioned for over 20 years, and it currently includes 27 states, from Europe and Asia.
In August 2007 the US Congress authorized the Department of Homeland Security to reform the Visa Waiver Program and to consolidate security agreements with participant states, extending the necessary conditions to aspiring states.
“The security enhancements outlined in the interim declaration represent important progress toward meeting the requirements of the modernized VWP. They include, better information sharing about international travel and border screening, improvements in information exchange on known and suspected terrorists, timely and comprehensive reporting of lost and stolen passports, developing an air marshals program, and expanding operations for U.S. Federal Air Marshals,” the document states.