Romanian Economy Min Admits Some People Were Hired In State Cos For Political Reasons

Publicat: 22 04. 2010, 14:29
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:54

„I won’t keep it from you that certain employments might have been made on political criteria,” Videanu said Thursday.

He said that 5,000 employees in companies controlled by the ministry were sacked in 2009, adding that, even though layoffs were not enough, other 1,200 people have been employed in certain state-owned companies.

„Some companies reduced their number of employees, others employed more people, according to necessities,” Videanu said.

Moreover, employees in state-owned companies such as Romgaz and Transgaz Medias receive salary bonuses as stipulated in their work contracts, and not granting these salary rights would mean breaching labor agreements.

„These companies turned profit and do not use public money,” Videanu said.

The minister said Wednesday the Economy Ministry was restructured „ahead of schedule”, adding the institution has about 700 employees, compared to 896 employees when he took over the ministry.

President Traian Basescu gave ministers three weeks to present restructuring plans for each ministry.