Five Dolphins Found Dead In Two Days On Romanian Seaside Beaches
Five dolphins were found dead in the past two days on the Romanian seaside beaches, in the town of Mangalia.
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According to the coordinating manager of Oceanic Club Constanta, biologist Razvan Popescu Mirceni, a "Torsiops Truncatus" dolphin was found Sunday morning on the beach in front of a hotel in Mangalia. The dolphin, a female over two meters long and aged approximately three years, had died after getting entangled in fishing nets, given the fishnet wounds on the body.
Another dolphin, also a female, approximately one meter long and aged about two years, was found dead Sunday evening on a beach in seaside resort Saturn. Both mammals were taken by the Oceanic Club team to the Sanitary Veterinary Department in Constanta, where they were included in the diagnosis/research procedure within the program “Dolphins in crisis”.
Razvan Popescu Mirceni said another three dolphins were found dead Monday morning on beaches in Saturn - Mangalia. In these cases too, the deaths were most likely caused by fishers.
Last year, 44 dolphins were found dead on the Romanian seaside beaches.
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