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Romanian Senate Chairman Validated As Court Of Accounts President

The budget-finance committees within the Romanian Senate and Chamber of Deputies validated unanimously Senate chairman Nicolae Vacaroiu as councilor and president within the Court of Accounts.
Romanian Senate Chairman Validated As Court Of Accounts President
14 oct. 2008, 11:21, English

Vacaroiu appeared before the reunited budget-finance committees of the Parliament, who heard him first of the 18 council members proposed by parties.
After the vote cast by the committees, meeting chairman Aurel Gubandru was told that Vacaroiu first needs to be validated as council member, and then as president.
Gubandru complied and the votes unanimously accepted Vacaroiu as council member.
Finally, the committees unanimously voted Vacaroiu for the Court of Accounts presidency, after a brief debate on the possibility of other nominations for this position.