Flu Infection Causes Fifth Death This Season

A 70-year old man from Mures county died on Monday due to type A influenza, being the fifth death attributed to the virus this season, Romania’s National Institute for Public Health (INSP) announced on Wednesday.


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Flu Infection Causes Fifth Death This Season

The man was also suffering from other medical conditions and had not received a flu shot.

The other four victims were from Arad, Targu Mures and Galati counties.

Since the beginning of the current flu season, 67 cases of the infection were confirmed, 16 of which were found with the AH1 virus, 19 with AH3, 36 with unclassified type A virus and one with type B.

The total number of severe respiratory infections nationwide recorded last week was of almost 40.000, 15.4% lower than the same number registered last year. According to the Health Ministry, more than 1.1 million individuals from risk groups received flu shots as of December 30, 2018.

Health Minister Sorana Pintea said on Tuesday that she expects a “more intense” circulation of the virus, but that currently there is no basis for declaring an epidemic at the moment.

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