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Romanian Govt Bans Meal, Gift, Vacation Vouchers To Public Sector Staff In 2010

Romania’s government will ban central and local public institutions from granting meal, gift and vacation vouchers in 2010, according to the 2010 draft budget.
Romanian Govt Bans Meal, Gift, Vacation Vouchers To Public Sector Staff In 2010
21 dec. 2009, 14:11, English

According to the draft, local and central public institutions, regardless of their financing system, including activities entirely financed from own revenues, are banned from granting meal, gift and vacation vouchers to employees.

The government decided in 2009, via an emergency decree, that public institutions are banned from granting ticket vouchers to employees, except institutions entirely financed from own revenues.

In 2009, the government also planned to ban public authorities and institutions from granting gift and vacation vouchers until the end of the year. The government eventually scrapped such plans following talks with unionists and decided vouchers can be granted if public institutions stick to the approved spending threshold.