Romanian Unions Push For Differentiated Wage Cuts; President Opts For Linear Cuts
CNSLR Fratia union federation leader, Marius Petcu, said he proposed to the head of state that unions should be allowed to establish the criteria whereby the public sector salary fund will be reduced. Petcu explained that unionists do not want the 25% reduction in the public salary fund to also affect low salaries in the sector.
Alma Mater union federation head, Anton Hadar, said he cautioned Basescu that it would be absurd to reduce all salaries by 25%, as this would not be fair to all public sector workers.
CSDR union federation head, Iacob Baciu, stressed it is absurd that only public sector employees, pensioners and low-income people should contribute to reduce the effects of the crisis.
Basescu, in turn, said he disagrees with unionists’ call for differentiated salary cuts, arguing this would trigger blockages in the sector, but stressed, however, that he will submit unionists’ proposal to the government.
The meeting held Sunday at the presidential palace, at unionists’ request, was attended by representatives of the country’s five large union federations, namely, the National Union Confederation „Cartel Alfa”, the National Confederation of Free Romanian Unions – „Fratia”, the Confederation of Democratic Romanian Unions, the National Union Bloc and the National Union Confederation „Meridian”, as well as by representatives of union federations in education and public administration.
Basescu said Thursday, after talks with International Monetary Fund officials, that pensions will decrease by 15% and salary funds in the public sector by 25%, which will also impact the minimum wage, adding subsidies will be drastically reduced.