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Fmr Romanian Communist Official Dies At Age 98

Gheorghe Apostol, a former Romanian communist official died Saturday afternoon at the age of 98, private television Realitatea TV said Sunday.
Fmr Romanian Communist Official Dies At Age 98
22 aug. 2010, 20:13, English

Apostol was appointed vice-president of the communist Council of Ministers twice, was secretary of the Central Committee of the Romanian Communist Party and president of the Central Council of Unions.

Apostol was also one of the six Romanian officials who signed in 1989 a letter criticizing communist leader Nicoale Ceausescu and his totalitarian regime. After the letter was read on Radio Free Europe on March 11, 1989, he was arrested and harassed by communist authorities until December 1989, when Romania had Ceausescu overthrown and freed itself from communist rule.

Apostol was born on May 16, 1913 in Galati county, southeastern Romania.