Romanian PM Says Solution For Stability And New Govt Need To Be Found Fast

Publicat: 02 12. 2008, 16:18
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:09

"I think that now, as Romania has started to feel the effects of the global economic crisis, we’ll have to work fast and come up with a solution to achieve stability and create a government that can handle the country,” Tariceanu said.
He added liberals will have over 20% of the seats in Parliament after the redistribution of votes, adding that this is “by far” the best result the party has got since 1990.
"The first thing I would like to note is that we nearly have final results and they confirm that three political and one ethnic party have been consistently structured on the Romanian political scene. The liberal Party is part of this group. After redistribution, we’ll have over 20% of seats in Parliament, which is by far the best result the party got since ‘90. all we have left to do now is respect the vote and people’s will,” Tariceanu said.