Foreign Cos Planning To Build Pwr Units In Romania Ask For State Aid

Several foreign companies interested to partner up with local firms in the construction of thermal power plants in Romania, asked for state aid the government cannot give, sources close to the matter told MEDIAFAX on Monday.


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Foreign Cos Planning To Build Pwr Units In Romania Ask For State Aid

"Investors came with their conditions, including asking for state aid. But our conditions do not include state aid. Some foreign companies, including Chinese ones, asked for the government's support in developing power production projects in Romania," the sources said.

The same sources said foreign companies' projects aim to build new power units at thermal power producers Turceni and Rovinari, at state-owned electricity producer Termoelectrica's Doicesti unit and at power producer ELCEN Bucuresti's power groups from Fantanele and Progresu.

One of the Chinese companies interested to invest in the Romanian energy sector is China National Electric Equipment Corporation, that plans to build an energy group of 500-megawatts installed power at Rovinari plant, in an investment estimated at around EUR1 billion.

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