Former President Ion Iliescu And Three Others Indicted In Romanian Revolution Case

The Military Section of Romania’s General Prosecutor’s Office announced on Friday that it indicted former president Ion Iliescu and three other former officials in the case of their accession to power during and after the 1989 Romanian Revolution.


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Former President Ion Iliescu And Three Others Indicted In Romanian Revolution Case

Iliescu, Gelu Voican Voiculescu, Iosif Rus and Emil “Cico” Dumitrescu – all members of the National Salvation Front Council (CFSN), the structure which took over de facto power in the country immediately after the fall of the communist regime – were charged with crimes against humanity.

According to the prosecutors, CFSN, led by Ion Iliescu, gained control over the entire Romanian Army, the Defense Minister, Interior Minister and Patriotic Guards on December 22, 16.00 local time.

From that point onwards, deciding factors in CFSN attempted to facilitate access to the political power for a pre-formed group led by Iliescu, and to legitimate it to the Romanian people, by carrying out a complex campaign of disinformation, which sought to instill a general psychosis in the population regarding alleged terrorists seeking to overturn the Revolution.

The psychosis resulted in numerous instances of friendly fire, contradicting military orders and generalized chaos, in which 862 people died and 2150 were wounded.

The death toll between December 22 and 30 was significantly higher than that registered between December 17-22, from the start of the Revolution up until dictator Nicolae Ceausescu lost power.

Prosecutors also state that the group conspired to have Ceausescu and his wife executed following a mock trial.

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