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President Tells PM He Will Refuse The Dismissal Of The Def Min – Sources

Romanian president Traian Basescu told Prime Minister Calin Tariceanu he would not accept the dismissal of defense minister Teodor Melescanu, proposed for justice minister, official sources told MEDIAFAX Tuesday.
President Tells PM He Will Refuse The Dismissal Of The Def Min - Sources
12 feb. 2008, 14:46, English
The leaders of Romania’s ruling Liberal Party, or PNL, on Monday proposed Melescanu for justice minister, and liberal senator Radu Stroe for the defense minister position, currently held by Melescanu.
End last year, liberals had proposed senator Norica Nicolai for justice minister, but the president refused to appoint her.
The Constitutional Court ruled Thursday that the president has the right to refuse one proposal, adding the government must make another nomination.
The government is to send the president the proposals for the justice and defense minister after the motivation of the Court decision regarding Nicolai is published in the Official Gazette, government spokesperson Camelia Spataru said.