Forty Students Require Medical Assistance after Pest Control Action at Arad German High School

At least 40 students from the Adam Muller Guttenbrun High School in Arad required medical assistance on Monday and Tuesday, after they were intoxicated with an unknown substance following a pest control action at the institution.


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Forty Students Require Medical Assistance after Pest Control Action at Arad German High School

The Arad Prefecture announced that 40 students were received at the Arad Hospital with skin, eye irritations and abdominal pain, of which 14 were hospitalized for the following days.

The high school was ordered to suspend courses starting with Tuesday, with authorities investigating both the institution and the company which carried out the pest control action.

The pest control company’s administrator, Veres Csaba, told MEDIAFAX that all the substances used were authorized and excluded any possibility for the action to have harmed the students.

Romania’s Health Minister Victor Costache also ordered an inspection from his verifications team at the high school.


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