Romanian Liberals To File No-Confidence Motion Against Govt Activity

Publicat: 21 06. 2009, 17:46
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:23

“Yes! We will do it, especially since from a procedure standpoint alone the motion will be linked to the assumption of responsibility for the legal. For us, this motion will target the entire activity that the Government has unfolded in these six months,” Antonescu said, answering a question.

He added he is currently talking with the Democratic Union of Magyars in Romania for the launch of this no-confidence motion.

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc takes responsibility, in the name of the Government, in front of the reunited Chambers of Parliament, for the draft laws regarding the Criminal Code and Civil Code, in two consecutive meetings that will take place Monday, at 16.00 and at 17.00 local time.