Four new deaths reported by authorities due to COVID-19. The official toll reaches 318 dead

Publicat: 13 04. 2020, 13:23
Actualizat: 13 04. 2020, 13:25

According to the quoted source, it is a 62-year-old man from Mureş county, who came in contact with another infected person. The man was admitted to the Târgu Mureş county Clinical Hospital – the Department of Pneumology on April 4 and transferred on April 5 to the Infectious Diseases Clinic. As of April 6, it was in ATI intubated and mechanically ventilated. He was suffering from high blood pressure.

Another death from COVID-19 is of a 63-year-old woman from Caraş-Severin county.

“Hospitalized on March 30 in the Reşiţa County Emergency Hospital. Tested for COVID-19 on March 29. Confirmed on March 30. Died on April 10. Comorbidities: Obesity gr. II, HTA, Chronic coronary artery disease, Chronic smoking”, reports GCS.

The third case is of a 56-year-old man from Suceava County. He returned from England on March 16 and was admitted on April 2 to the Suceava County Emergency Hospital with respiratory symptoms.

„Harvest for COVID-19 on April 4. Confirmed on April 6. Died on April 8. No associated diseases identified, according to the source cited.

The fourth reported death is of a 56-year-old man from Suceava County, who was a truck driver.

„Symptomology that appeared on March 24th. He is admitted to SJU Suceava on April 2. Harvest for COVID-19 on April 5. Confirmed on April 6. Died on April 11. Comorbidities: HTA,”, according to GCS.