U.S. Missile Shield Costs In Romania To Be Covered By U.S. – Romanian Foreign Affairs Min

Publicat: 09 02. 2010, 19:37
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:45

The ministry explained that the expenses for the implementation of the gradual-adaptive approach of the missile shield will be covered by the U.S.

„Romania will make available the location for the interceptors. Any other costs will be negotiated bilaterally,” according to the ministry.

Romania will be involved in phase two of the U.S. missile shield, which involves hosting the land interceptors, respectively the SM-3 block 1B interception missiles, which will become operational come 2015.

According to the quoted source, Romania’s involvement involves the placement of land-based interceptors alone, not radars, which will be hosted in other states.

Also, according to the ministry, there will not be any interception missiles installed on Romanian or foreign ships in the Black Sea. These interception missiles will be placed exclusively on land.

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Thursday the U.S. antimissile defense system, to which the country has agreed to participate, will be up and running in Romania starting 2015.

Basescu said Romania has accepted a proposition of U.S. President Barack Obama, who has invited the country, a NATO and EU member, to participate in the development of the United States’ antimissile defense system and the country will host elements of this system on its territory.

Basescu said Obama’s message was delivered to Bucharest by the American sub-secretary of state for arms control, with whom he had a meeting Thursday morning.

The Romanian head of state underscored the development of the U.S. antimissile system is not aimed at Russia.

Basescu added bilateral negotiations will follow and Romania and the United States need to seal agreements that would then require Parliament ratification.