Romanian Railway Co CFR Calatori, Subway Co Metrorex To Hike Tariffs Starting Sept 15

Publicat: 14 09. 2010, 14:26
Actualizat: 10 11. 2012, 18:48

Former Transport Minister Radu Berceanu told a news conference back then that the decision to raise transport tariffs was approved by the Government.

Metrorex manager Gheorghe Udriste told MEDIAFAX Tuesday that the tariff hike announced for September 15 is valid but has been postponed for a later date. He did not say when the hikes are to become effective.

Udriste said the tariff hike, which was approved by the Government, must also be authorized by a Finance Ministry body. The railway transport tariff hike was also postponed.

Berceanu said in August that the Transport Ministry proposed the Government that railway transport tariffs be hiked by 8% to 9% and subway transport tariffs by 10% to 11%.

The Government promised the International Monetary Fund it would raise the tariffs of the ten largest loss-making state-run companies, including CFR Calatori, freight carrier CFR Marfa, electricity producer Termoelectrica and Metrorex.