Romanian Senate To Ask Venice Commission For Help Revising Constitution – Chairman

Publicat: 31 08. 2010, 20:35
Actualizat: 10 11. 2012, 08:12

„We want the reform process to take place in accordance with European laws and the Venice Commission’s expertise would be a guarantee of its success. We need to find paths to reform so that there can be fewer Romanians turning to the European Court of Human Rights,” said Geoana, cited in a Senate press release on Tuesday.

The two also talked about the condition of Roma in Europe, with Geoana pointing out that „in difficult economic times, authorities are tempted to draw attention away from real problems by producing fake issues, which affect the application of the European legal framework in fields such as human rights and the free movement of citizens.”

„We must find a fair balance, and the only serious solutions are those that come about as a result of cooperation between national institutions, with the active involvement of European and international bodies. We must avoid excess as regards the situation of Roma in Europe, and the manner in which we approach and solve these issues could be a symbolic test of European democracy and values,” Geoana said.

According to the press release, Cavusoglu expressed his concern that discriminatory actions and statements have become a general trend Europe-wide, as pointed out by the June report of the Council of Europe’s European Commission Against Racism and Intolerance.