Romanian Culture Min To Launch Seven Financing Programs In ’09
While Glissando is a new program, launched this year, through which the ministry grants non-reimbursable financing to show and/or concert institutions and companies for the organization of national tours, the other programs have been unfolded before, but some of them with a different name.
The non-reimbursable financing program unfolded by the Ministry of Culture in 2008, on the occasion of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue (AEDI), is continued this year through Dialog Intercultural, which aims to promote cultural assets resulting from intercultural dialogue or from the dynamic exchange between culture.
Creativitas, a program with a similar purpose, was launched on the occasion of the European year of Creativity and Innovation.
Promocult aims to promote Romanian contemporary cultural values in Europe, through cultural projects and actions in visual arts, show arts and written culture.
Through the Latinitas program the ministry aims to promote the social-cultural values of Romania and Italy, through the projects in show arts, visual arts, cinematography, the fixed and mobile cultural patrimony and intercultural dialogue.
The objectives of the program Rromi impreuna pentru Europa (Rroma united for Europe) include a higher degree of Rroma access to citizenship rights, intercultural education for the fight against discrimination, vocational education in the purpose of Rroma community inclusion, the stimulation of the (re)valuation of traditional crafts and the involvement of traditional local leaders and youths in the promotion of artistic content diversity.
The Proetnicultura program aims to stimulate and support the expression of ethnic, cultural, linguistic and religious identity by national minorities in Romania, as well as mutual understanding between linguistic groups – speakers of regional dialects or minorities and the majority language.