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GCS: 576 persons infected with COVID19. 15 patients are at ATI and seven are in serious condition

In total, 576 people have been infected with COVID-19, after 143 cases were confirmed in Romania, the Strategic Communication Group (GCS) announces. Of these, 15 patients are admitted to the ATI and seven are in serious condition.
GCS: 576 persons infected with COVID19. 15 patients are at ATI and seven are in serious condition

Authorities announce first case of illness in a penitentiary. „One of the cases (of the 143 newly confirmed) is that of an inmate who was transported from the Capital Police to the Bucharest-Jilava Penitentiary-Hospital for medical problems on March 11th. Following the test performed today (Monday) he was positively diagnosed with the new coronavirus (COVID-19). We mention that the detainee was isolated from the moment of incarceration and at the test carried out on March 11, to detect a possible infection with COVID-19, the result was negative”, according to the official information by GCS.

Until Monday, 576 cases of persons infected with COVID-19 (coronavirus) have been confirmed in Romania. Of the 576 people confirmed positively, 73 were declared healed and discharged (51 in Timişoara, 17 in Bucharest, 3 in Craiova, one in Constanţa and one in Iaşi).

By Monday, four people diagnosed with COVID-19 infection and with pre-existing chronic diseases, hospitalized in Bucharest, Craiova Iaşi and Suceava, died.

„Since the last information sent by the Strategic Communication Group, 143 new cases of illness have been registered. Newly confirmed patients range in age from 5 years to 76 years. At ATI, at this moment, 15 patients are admitted, 7 of them in serious condition. The health status of the other patients is good, stationary”, GCS mentioned.

In the territory of Romania, in institutionalized quarantine there are 5.066 persons for whom checks are carried out to detect if they have contacted the virus COVID – 19 (coronavirus). Other 72.247 people are in isolation at home and are under medical supervision.

To date, at national level, 11.223 tests have been processed, of which 277 in private medical units.

In the last 24 hours, 1.073 calls were registered to the unique emergency number 112 and 5.134 to the TELVERDE line (0800 800 358), open especially for informing citizens.

„So far, through the authorized structures of the Ministry of Defence, 141 criminal files have been drawn up, under the aspect of committing the crime of defeating the disease control, a fact stipulated and punished by art. 352 para. 1 Criminal Code. At the same time, the Police and the Gendarmerie applied 665 penalties for non-compliance with the isolation / quarantine measures. Also, on the occasion of the formalities of entering the country, the Border Police prepared 4 criminal files, in which 18 persons are investigated, in the aspect of committing the crime of falsification in declarations, a fact stipulated and punished by art. 326 Criminal Code”, according to the quoted source.

Until Sunday, 141.858 cases were reported in the EU / EEA, the United Kingdom, Monaco, San Marino, Switzerland, Andorra. Most cases have been registered in Italy, France, Germany, Spain and the United Kingdom.