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GCS: Another four Romanians confirmed with COVID-19 have died abroad

According to the Strategic Communication Group, four more Romanians confirmed with COVID-19 have died abroad, the number of deaths registered in the diaspora reaching 42.
GCS: Another four Romanians confirmed with COVID-19 have died abroad

The GCS announced on Friday that 42 Romanians confirmed with the new coronavirus have died abroad, four more than the number announced on Thursday.

In total, according to the authorities, there are 684 Romanian citizens confirmed with COVID-19.

„Regarding the situation of Romanian citizens in other states, according to information obtained by the Romanian diplomatic missions and consular offices abroad, 684 Romanian citizens are still confirmed as being infected with COVID-19 (coronavirus): 418 in Italy, 196 in Spain, 17 in France, 9 in Germany, 32 in the United Kingdom, 2 in Namibia, 2 in the USA, 2 in Austria, 2 in Belgium and one in Argentina, Ireland, Luxembourg and Sweden. Since the beginning of the epidemic of COVID-19 (coronavirus) and up to this moment, 42 Romanian citizens abroad, 13 in Italy, 8 in France, 11 in the UK, 6 in Spain, 2 in Germany, one in Belgium and one in Sweden, have died”, GCS representatives announced.

According to them, Romanian citizens confirmed with the new coronavirus in Tunisia and Indonesia have been declared cured.