The two Romanian officials held a joint press statement in Brussels at the conclusions of works in the winter European Council.
The first one to speak to the press was the head of state, stating he wants to make a quick review of the things decided in Brussels and that he will offer more details to media on the way back to Bucharest because "the solutions adopted by the European leaders are highly technical and riddled with number."
Basescu added that since this is the last European Council under French presidency, it can be said that this has been "a presidency of solved crises."
He used the examples of the Georgian crisis, the financial crisis, mentioning the involvement of the French presidency helped European banks steer clear of difficulty, and the economic crisis "which is beginning to show signs of a solution," even though, according to the president, all heads of state who spoke complained about the significant increase in the unemployment rates.
Basescu mentioned that another success obtained by the French presidency is the unblocking, in Brussels, of the Lisbon Treaty.
Referring to the energy package, Basescu said the solutions enacted are “highly technical and based on numbers," mentioning he will offer more details on the way back to Romania.
"Romania will receive 29% of 2%, the share reserved for countries that obtained the highest reductions in noxious emissions, between 1990 and 2005," Basescu said.
Basescu also said, referring to the success of the economic crisis, that Romania has requested a period of EC procedure simplification regarding access to EU funding. The request was approved in the European Council.
The decision reached was that the procedures for access to EU funding will be simplified over an interval of two years. Thus, the original procedure, which theoretically took 87 days but practically more, will now take 30 days or less, which will lead to quicker access to EU funding.
Another decision reached by the Council and mentioned by Basescu was that through which "the famous" EUR30 billion from the European Investment Bank, meant for SMEs and infrastructure, can now cover the auto industry as well, a segment in which Romania is very interested.
Upon concluding his statement, the head of state said he, together with the prime minister, managed to serve national interest in Brussels.
After concluding his statement, Basescu invited Tariceanu to the microphone. In his turn, Tariceanu said he will offer more details to media on the plane, because the solutions enacted in Brussels are “highly technical.”
Tariceanu’s statement caused Basescu to burst into laughter, as he, before, had said the exact same thing regarding the decisions.