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Half Of Romanians Say Prices Of Food, Non-Food Products Went Up During Crisis – Poll

Nearly half of Romanians believe prices of food and non-food products went up during the economic crisis, over 40% of Romanians believe prices remained unchanged, while 46% of them said they noticed a wider range of consumer sales promotions, according to market research agency Mercury Research.
Half Of Romanians Say Prices Of Food, Non-Food Products Went Up During Crisis - Poll
04 feb. 2010, 13:10, English

According to the study, 49% of respondents said prices of food products went up, while 44% of them said prices of non-food products went up.

The study also shows 43% of respondents believe prices of food products remained unchanged during the economic crisis, while 7% of them noticed a decrease in prices.

As regards non-food products, 45% of them said prices remained unchanged and 12% of them said prices lowered.

Consumers also believe the economic downturn has brought more sales promotions and contests for food and non-food products. The study finds 46% of Romanians noticed a wider range of sales promotions for food products, while 40% of respondents said sales promotions mainly targeted non-food products.

„The range of food products hasn’t been widened during the economic crisis, according to 54% of townspeople in Romania, while 36% of them noticed a wider range of products. The situation is pretty similar for non-food products, with 57% of respondents saying they did not notice any new products on the market and 36% saying they noticed a lot more products on the market during the economic crisis,” the study indicates.

The study also shows that almost half, or 49% of Romanian townspeople aged over 18 believe the number of TV commercials for food products remained the same during the crisis, while 39% say they noticed an increase in the number of TV commercials during this period.

As regards TV commercials for non-food products, 51% of respondents said they noticed no difference whatsoever, 39% said they noticed an increase in the number of TV commercials during the crisis, while 10% said noticed a decrease in the number of TV commercials during this period.

The study, conducted at the end of October 2009 on a sample of 780 people, tracked the perception of Romanians aged over 18 with respect to the measures taken by companies providing fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) during the economic crisis, in comparison to the period before the crisis.

Mercury Research, one of Romania’s leading full service market research agencies, conducts extensive market research in various sectors, such as, FMCG, durable goods, media, IT&C, pharmaceuticals, financial and insurance services, as well as industrial and automotive sectors.