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Romania Extends Swine Flu Vaccination Campaign To Patients With Chronic Illnesses

Romania has extended its swine flu vaccination campaign to people suffering from chronic illnesses because all the AH1N1-related deaths in the country occurred in patients with such illnesses, Health Ministry state secretary Adrian Streinu Cercel said Wednesday.
Romania Extends Swine Flu Vaccination Campaign To Patients With Chronic Illnesses
09 dec. 2009, 12:22, English

Starting next week, family physicians will start vaccinating chronic patients over 16 who suffer from respiratory illnesses, diabetes, heart disease, cirrhosis, liver disease, HIV and also people with obesity.

The Health Ministry also decided large companies whose staff is regularly in contact with large number of people may request to have their employees vaccinated against the AH1N1 virus. The ministry added the first company to have requested and has received approval for staff vaccination is retailer Kaufland Romania, which employs over 8,000 people.

The ministry underscored the Romanian-made vaccine observes all international standards and calls on people to get it and prevent infection with the virus. The ministry has so far distributed 1.3 million doses of vaccine and over 25,000 people have been vaccinated. Romania has a population of 22 million.

The AH1N1 death toll in the country reached 15 Wednesday, while the number of infections is around 4,000.