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Romanian President Says Govt Entitled To Seek Conf Vote For Education Reform

Romania’s President Traian Basescu said Thursday he believes the Government’s move to push its draft education bill through the parliament is justified, adding the act really modernizes the education system.
Romanian President Says Govt Entitled To Seek Conf Vote For Education Reform
Ioana Tudor
25 nov. 2010, 12:30, English

The head of state said he is making huge efforts to convince politicians that the modernization of the state „lies in their hands”.

„In order to have a competitive economy we also need education. […] I saw both draft (education bills, e.n.) and I believe the Government is entitled to support the law, which really modernizes the education system,” said Basescu.

The president said the essence of the education bill does not rest in the language in which children belonging to national minorities are taught, but in reforming the system so it will no longer be based on memorizing information, but on developing skills and competences.

Basescu stressed that the Government must make efforts to modernize the country, regardless of political costs, adding the prime minister has his full support.

People close to the matter said Wednesday the Constitutional Court ruled the Government may adopt the country’s education bill through a confidence vote in Parliament. The court acknowledged a legal conflict between the Government and Parliament, following the latter’s refusal to debate the opposition’s no-confidence motion after the Executive sought lawmakers’ confidence vote on the education bill.