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Romanian Far Right Party Proposes Paying Hungarians To Leave Romania

The secretary general of the far-right Greater Romania Party, or PRM, Gheorghe Funar, told a news conference Saturday the party will ask parliament to approve the grant of a bonus for discontent Hungarians to leave the country.
Romanian Far Right Party Proposes Paying Hungarians To Leave Romania
16 feb. 2008, 16:45, English
Funar said PRM has a legislative initiative to be submitted for debate in parliament, proposing the grant of financial bonuses for Hungarians who do not recognize Romania as a national unitary state to leave.
“Kosovo is an extremely dangerous precedent, and after years of lying that they do not want autonomy in the Szeckler County, now there are leaders saying the Kosovo model could be applied in Romania. We propose that those who do not recognize the unitary Romanian state should go to whichever other country they like, and Romania should give them EUR1,000 for that,” Funar said.
The PRM leader added the legislative proposal also stipulates that those who want to leave the country may sell their belongings to the Romanian state, at market prices. “But only if they leave here for at least 25 years,” Funar said.