Romanian Agriculture Close To Disaster – Min
“If I were to draw a conclusion, I would say the situation is nearly disastrous, we are in a total blockage,” Sarbu told a press conference.
He said the fishery sector did not manage to attract any European funds, which is also “a disaster.”
“We failed to access funds for the fishery sector, there are no task books, no procedures; those who were supposed to handle this most likely did nothing but go fishing,” Sarbu said.
Besides, he asked for the resignation of the president of National Agency for Fishery and Aquaculture (ANPA), in charge with absorption of EU financing in the field.
A contest to fill in the position will be scheduled in the following days.
In addition, the Agriculture Ministry will organize audits at each subordinated institution, Sarbu said.
“When I left in 2004 (Ilie Sarbu has previously run the agriculture ministry between 2001 and 2004 – e.n.), the ministry had 350 employees; now, there are 605 employees and I don’t see the results of overloading the structure schemata,” Sarbu added.
He criticized the lack of efficiency at various departments, saying those who failed to do their jobs should “have the common sense when faced with the facts to answer and step down.”
“We didn’t reach these situations of crises by accident, but because somebody failed to do their jobs,” Sarbu said.