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President Accuses Ruling Party Of Populism Regarding 2019 Budget

Romanian President Klaus Iohannis accused the country’s ruling Social Democrat Party (PSD) resorted to populism after its MPs voted to pass an amendment in parliamentary committees which cuts the Romanian Intelligence Service’s share of the 2019 budget.
President Accuses Ruling Party Of Populism Regarding 2019 Budget
Ionut Preda
12 feb. 2019, 19:50, English

In a statement issued on Tuesday, the president said that the measure “risks to weakens” the country in areas of national security.

“PSD is resorting to populism again, which risks to weaken Romania in the current geopolitical context marked by incertitude and intensification of risks towards NATO states. In a cynical gesture, the PSD chairman opposes national security with the health of citizens.

The head of state also called the move “irresponsible” and appealed to the Parliament to respect budget allotments agreed by the country’s Defense Council for national security institutions in December 2018.

Iohannis also proposed supplementing the Health Ministry’s budget from sums allotted for political parties.

Romania’s government on Friday adopted the 2019 state budget, built on an economic growth projection of 5.5%, which critics said is overly optimistic, and targeting a deficit of 2.55% of gross domestic product.

According to the schedule decided by the Parliament’s standing bureaus on Saturday, the amendments will be reviewed by parliamentary committees on Monday, with the final vote in the combined chambers scheduled for Wednesday, starting with 16.00 local time.