The draft is part of a package of nine measures on railway traffic safety, established by the ministry representatives together with private railway companies.
The meeting discussing the draft was attended by Transport Minister Radu Berceanu, subsecretary of state Constantin Axinia, the heads of the railway freight division CFR Marfa, the passenger division CFR Calatori and railway company CFR SA, as well as the managers of local railway divisions and railway employees in charge of railway traffic.
„A package of nine measures was established to be enforced as of October 1. The measures will be coordinated by the ministry via the Romanian Railway Authority,” said chief-inspector with the authority, Gelu Dae.
One of the measures eyes reexamining the competences of the staff in the railway traffic segment, as well as the psychological examination of the staff.
Currently, investigation procedures for railway accidents are set by order of the transport minister.