Romania To Open One Lane Of Basarab-Constanta Hwy Section In July

Publicat: 19 05. 2011, 13:42
Actualizat: 07 04. 2020, 00:41

The Basarab-Constanta section is part of the Medgidia-Constanta segment, which is being built by Astaldi and Max Boegl for EUR211 million, provided by the European Investment Bank and the state budget.

The so-called Sun Highway currently links Bucharest to Cernavoda. The remaining section has been divided into two segments: Cernavoda-Medgidia and Medgidia-Constanta. French company Colas worked on the former segment until April, when the Transport Ministry terminated the contract, citing Colas’ failure to expropriate land and delays in designing an alternative route and obtaining construction authorization.