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Romanian Top-100 Cos Post Overall Sales Of EUR46.27B In ‘09

The top-100 companies with respect for turnover posted overall sales of EUR46.27 billion last year, 20% less than in 2008, while the overall pretax profit decreased by 45%, to EUR1.48 billion, according to a report compiled by FinMedia.
Romanian Top-100 Cos Post Overall Sales Of EUR46.27B In ‘09

The number of profitable companies dropped to 66 in 2009, from 74 in 2008 and, among the top-100 companies, only 27 obtained sales higher than those in the year before.

In 2008, the top-100 companies achived sales of EUR58 billion, and an overall profit of EUR2.62 billion.

Oil company OMV Petrom (SNP.RO) maintained its top position, wiht sales of EUR3 billion and a profit of EUR400 million. Second place went to car maker Automobile Dacia, with sales of EUR2.1 billion and a profit of EUR68.65 million, while the third position went to Rometrol Rafinare, with sales of EUR1.48 billion and a loss of EUR111.8 million.