Romanian Democrat Liberals Win 28.37% Of County Council Seats – Partial Results

Publicat: 03 06. 2008, 19:11
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 08:54
The country’s Central Electoral Office said it counted the votes cast at 15,711 polling places, out of total 16,104 nationwide.
The partial results showed most of the county councilor president seats went to democrat liberals as well, with 28.12% of the votes cast in their favor.
As to local councilor seats, partial results indicate the social democrats gained 11,846 seats, followed by democrat liberals – 10,846 seats and liberals – 8,331 seats.
The elections officials counted the votes cast at 3,027 polling places dedicated to electing local councilors, out of total 3,183 nationwide.
The social democrats also won most mayor seats – 654, partial results showed.