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Romanian Justice Min Seeks US Help In Presumed Homicide Investigation

The Romanian Ministry of Justice sent to the American Justice Department the request for international judicial assistance formulated by the Prosecution office within the Romanian High Court of Justice in the case regarding the disappearance of ship captain Liviu Iliescu, which seems homicide.
Romanian Justice Min Seeks US Help In Presumed Homicide Investigation
30 mai 2008, 13:24, English

“Through the request addressed to American authorities, Romanian judicial authorities requested assistance in view of solving the case involving the criminal investigation of the deed suspected to have been committed on May 23, 2008 on board the vessel «Morning Cloud» against the ship captain, Romanian citizen Iulian Iliescu," the ministry of justice informed.

According to the ministry, assistance was requested based on the Treaty signed between Romania and the United States of America on judicial assistance in criminal investigations, signed in Washington on May 26, 1999.

Romanian prosecutors on Friday said they will start an inquiry on suspicion of murder into the disappearance of national Iliescu Liviu Iulian, captain of “Morning Cloud” ship, who went missing from his ship in the Atlantic two days ago.

The Morning Cloud was en route to the U.S.A. when the ship’s chief mechanic reported the disappearance of the captain. Immediate searches were conducted, with no results.

American authorities said they found several red spots in the captain’s cabin, which appeared to be blood.

The Romanian prosecutors sent an international letter rogatory to the Justice Ministry to be forwarded to the American authorities who investigate the case.