Google Expands Street View Service To Eight Romanian Cities

Google on Tuesday expanded its Street View service to allow users to see panoramic images of the streets of eight Romanian cities – the first news announced by the company since it opened an office in Romania in early November.


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Google Expands Street View Service To Eight Romanian Cities

The service, provided as part of Google Maps, covers, in its first phase, eight cities - Bucharest, Arad, Oradea, Brasov, Timisoara, Cluj-Napoca, Sibiu and Constanta - but will be extended in the future. Romania is the 27th country for which 360 degree images are available through Street View. The service encompasses streets with a total length of more than 6,000 km.

"We want to provide companies with the tools to advertise through the Internet. (…) 20% of Romanian companies are promoted online. We hope to increase this share to 30% in the near future," said Dan Bulucea, head of Google's local office, in a press conference.

Google Romania has two employees and expects to grow to eight, in the sales and marketing departments, by the end of next year.

Bucharest Mayor Sorin Oprescu said in the conference that Google's services help promote the city's touristic potential and added he is open to any sort of collaboration.

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