Google Opens Office In Romania, Headed By Fmr Microsoft Director

Multinational corporation Google opened an office in capital Bucharest on November 1, 2010, which will be headed by former Microsoft Romania business and marketing director Dan Bulucea, said the company.


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Google Opens Office In Romania, Headed By Fmr Microsoft Director

"Google's aim is to provide the Romanian users, who are very active online, with more useful and innovative tools in local language, as well as help Romanian companies get online and develop their business using the Internet. Romania is a very interesting country for Google where we can see opportunities on both sides - consumer as well as business," Bulucea said in a press release Wednesday.

The company's office in Bucharest will be responsible for developing Google's presence and strategy in Romania, establishing business relationships with Romanian partners, educating local companies about the benefits of going online, direct advertising sales, said the press release.

Google has been present on the Romanian market with products for local users, including Search, Google Maps, Google Places, Google Apps, Google Translate, and many others.

Before joining the Microsoft team, Bulucea was general manager of PC producer Salient Romania. He holds an Executive MBA and a Bachelor degree in Computer Science.

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