Google To Open One Office In Romania In ’10

Google, holder of the search engine with the same name, will open an office in Romania this year, said Amelia Cretu, Agency Relationship Manager Google for Southeast Europe, Middle East and Africa.


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Google To Open One Office In Romania In ’10

"Towards the end of the year we hope to have an office in Romania. At the moment I am not sure how many employees there will be. The recruitment procedure is currently unfolding," Cretu said.

According to the Google representative, some 90% of the 7.5 million Romanian Internet users are using the search engine.

Cretu added that in Romania, some 10,000 web pages have implemented the online advertising service AdWords, held by Google.

The company founded a firm in Romania, Google Bucharest, with a share capital of 200 lei (EUR1=RON4.0736). The firm, registered on January 15, 2008, is managed by five individuals, namely three American citizens, one British citizen and one Irish citizen.

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