The EC recommends „[improving] coordination of anti-corruption policies at highest-level and [developing] a new robust multi-annual strategy to prevent and sanction corruption following the recommendations of an independent impact assessment.”
The EC also wants Romania to put together a monitoring group, in cooperation with civil society, to oversee the implementation of this strategy.
The Commission recommends „[demonstrating] convincing results in the recovery of the proceeds of crime by following best practice in other EU Member States, adopting a new law on extended confiscation and strengthening judicial practice.”
„Romania should also demonstrate a proven track record in pursuing money laundering as a stand-alone offence,” says the report.
The EC also recommends „[developing] rules for the prevention of conflict of interest in the management of public funds and within the authorities that regulate, verify and decide on complaints in the area of Public Procurement,” as well as „[strengthening] the procedures and capacity of the competent authorities, including by following up on the ongoing functional review in this area.”