Gorj Ambulance service head isolated himself at home due to coronavirus

Gorj county Ambulance Service director, Constantin Mitroi, is isolated at home, since Tuesday, after travelling to Milan, the MEDIAFAX correspondent reports.


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Gorj Ambulance service head isolated himself at home due to coronavirus

The Ambulance Service director and his wife remain in the house for 14 days, although they have no coronavirus symptoms.

"Since Tuesday I am isolated at home. We had a reservation since about two months for Milan and when we went the madness began. We returned on Monday evening, at 21.00, on Tuesday at 01.15 I was at Craiova airport, Dolj's Public Health employees were waiting for us, they checked us with the thermometers and they took our data. They said we would stay home, self-insulated 14 days, with the wife, they check us every day. Nothing, not even temperature", Mitroi told MEDIAFAX.

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