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Romania’s Parliament Economic, Social Committee Approves Draft Education Law

The Romanian Parliament’s economic and social committee approved the draft education law with 20 to eight votes, the Education Ministry said Friday.
Romania’s Parliament Economic, Social Committee Approves Draft Education Law
23 apr. 2010, 13:42, English

The economic and social committee Thursday debated on the draft education law approved by the Government on April 12 and forwarded to the Parliament.

Education Ministry representatives said the draft education law drawn up by social democrats lawmakers was also debated during the same meeting and received 20 votes against, seven votes in favor and one abstention.

The Government approved on April 12 a draft education law which was sent to Parliament to be debated with urgency.

The education committee within the Chamber of Deputies decided on Wednesday that the country’s future education law will be based upon the draft law drawn up by the Government.

The education committee filed five draft education laws, namely one submitted by the Government, one by the Social Democratic Party and three submitted by the National Liberal Party.

A final vote on the report of the draft education law will be cast by the education committee on May 7 and the draft law will be forwarded to the Senate.

If the Senate approves the education bill, it becomes law.