Guano Apes To Perform In Bucharest In September
Guano Apes, one of Europe's best known rock bands, will perform at Tuborg Green Fest in Bucharest in the first week of September, an event which will feature over 15 Romanian and international artists, the organizers said.
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Fans have free access to Tuborg Green Fest concerts, scheduled between September 4-6, 2009 in Izvor Park, near the Parliament Palace in Bucharest.
Guano Apes was formed in Germany in 1994 by guitarist Henning Rümenapp, bass player Stefan Ude and drummer Dennis Poschwatta. Lead singer Sandra Nasic joined the band later that same year.
Their first album, "Proud Like a God", went Platinum and placed them in the top of best European rock bands.
In 2003, Guano Apes released a live material followed by a compilation album ("Lost (T)apes"), which contains unreleased demos recorded in 1994 and 1995.
After a break, the members of the band reunited this summer for a series of concerts in Europe, within festivals in Germany (Rock im Park/am Ring), Austria (Nova Rock) and Switzerland (Greenfield).
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