Romania Looks At Building New Nuclear Pwr Plant – PM

Publicat: 14 03. 2008, 19:27
Actualizat: 05 11. 2012, 16:55
Speaking in a press conference in Brussels, Tariceanu said Nabucco remains one of the most important projects for Romania.
“However, we must continue to have an energetic policy that will give us security in the future. To this end, the continuation of the nuclear programme, by building a new power plant would be extremely necessary for Romania,” Tariceanu said.
Romanian state-owned nuclear energy company Nuclearelectrica said earlier this month it has reached an agreement with the six investors interested in building nuclear reactors 3 and 4 at Cernavoda.
The six companies interested in building the two reactors are Italy’s Enel, Belgium’s Electrabel, Spain’s Iberdola, Czech Cez, Arcelor Mittal Romania and Germany’s RWE.
The construction of nuclear reactors 3 and 4, worth an estimated EUR2.2 billion, is scheduled to start next year and is estimated to be over in 2014-2015.
The power plant in Cernavoda now has two reactors, which provide a total supply of around 18% of the national electricity demand.