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EU Asks Copy Of Romanian Parliament Committee Report On Alleged CIA Flights

The European Commission is awaiting a detailed report from Romanian authorities regarding alleged CIA flights carrying terror suspects via Romania, and a copy of the report drafted by the parliament investigation committee, BBC Romania reported.
EU Asks Copy Of Romanian Parliament Committee Report On Alleged CIA Flights
26 feb. 2008, 11:04, English
The spokesperson for EU Justice Commissioner Franco Frattini, Friso Roscam Abbing, told the BBC he thanks Romanian authorities for the information provided last fall, but Brussels would like more details.
Abbing said the EU Executive required more specific information as to the exact steps taken in the investigation, what authorities were involved and what they found.
He added EU also wants to have a copy of the report drawn by the Romanian parliament investigation committee.
The European Commission on Friday summoned again Romania and Poland to state whether their territories were ever used by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in its terror suspect detention and transfer program.