Romania Health Min Places Orders For One Million Doses Of Vaccine Against AH1N1 Flu Virus
According to Cercel, the ministry’s request for vaccine doses comes at a time when Romania is faced with cases of AH1N1 flu in schools in several cities, including Iasi, Bucharest, Cluj and Ploiesti. Cercel pointed out the Government decided to start vaccinating people in a bid to reduce the number of infections with the AH1N1 virus.
He added that although some countries signed contracts with vaccine producers as early as July this year, the Romanian Government announced in July it would only use vaccines produced locally by the Cantacuzino Institute and expected to be ready in December, as the number of infections was not very high at that time.
Cercel also said European Union member states pledge to help each other with a certain quantity of vaccines in case of severe AH1N1 flu outbreaks.
The ministry’s committee coordinating AH1N1 flu virus situation on Thursday decided to draft a Government Decision allowing the ministry to use some of the money earmarked for the purchase of masks and disinfectants to buy one million doses of vaccine against the AH1N1 influenza, which will be used to vaccinate students in towns with AH1N1 flu outbreaks, such as Iasi and Bucharest.
The Health Ministry will submit to all hospitals a new protocol regarding the AH1N1 flu evaluation procedure.
Former Health Minister Ion Bazac said Thursday that ministry officials have been „too passive” in preventing a spread of the AH1N1 virus, adding the ministry might propose public gatherings be limited. Acting Health Minister Adriean Videanu said the health committee led by Cercel is analyzing this possibility.
Romania has so far registered 441 cases of infection with the AH1N1 virus but most patients suffered mild forms of the illness.