Romania’s September Net Salary Flat At RON1,340
The gross average salary was at RON1,846 in September, unchanged from August.
Employees in the oil and gas extraction sector saw, in September, the biggest average net salaries of RON4,022, while hotel and restaurant employees were at the opposite pole, with RON787.
The net average salary in agriculture was up 1.3% on the month, at RON1,026, while employees in the energy sector saw a 5.9% salary decrease on the month in September, to RON2,483.
Net salaries in industry averaged RON1,419 in September, up 1.1% from August.
Employees in the tobacco manufacturing industry saw a 3% salary increase on the month in September, at RON2,980.
Compared with September 2009, the average net salary in Romania was down 1.4%.