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Only 12% Of Gaza Conflict Victims Are Civilians –Israeli Ambassador To Bucharest

Only 12% of the victims of the conflict in the Gaza Strip are civilians, and Israel is fighting against the terrorist group Hamas and not the Palestinian population, Israeli Ambassador To Bucharest David Oren said on Romanian television station Realitatea TV Sunday.
Only 12% Of Gaza Conflict Victims Are Civilians –Israeli Ambassador To Bucharest
04 ian. 2009, 16:23, English


Israel sent 400 trucks carrying humanitarian aid in the Gaza Strip, namely medical equipment, water and food products, Oren said

As far as terrestrial military operations are concerned, the purpose of Israeli forces is to take control over the location from which Hamas is launching rockets, Oren added.

“We don’t plan to take over again control over the Gaza Strip,” Oren said.

Israel is trying to limit its military actions in the Gaza Strip, to reduce the number of victims among civilians, Oren said on the television station Antena 3.

“We are trying to limit the military actions, we are thinking of civilians,” he said, adding only 12% of the people killed during the military intervention of the Israeli forces are civilians. This situation is the result of concentrating military actions in the areas of the Gaza Strip that represent “terrorist danger”, the ambassador said.

The Israeli Ambassador pointed out the military intervention, which was seen as “last option”, is the expression of Israel’s attempts to defend its citizens.

In the current situation, the “only way” to obtain peace in the area is Israel’s intervention aimed at Hamas, Oren said.

“We’ve evacuated Gaza in 2007, we did not evacuate it to come back,” the ambassador said.