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ECHR Rules Romanian Govt To Pay EUR10,000 To Two Bucharest Citizens

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) ruled the Romanian government should pay EUR10,000 to two Bucharest citizens with whom the public water and sewage company Apanova refused to conclude drinkable water distribution contracts.
ECHR Rules Romanian Govt To Pay EUR10,000 To Two Bucharest Citizens
Alina Mihai
19 feb. 2008, 11:16, English
Romania’s Ministry of foreign affairs said Monday evening that, in this case, Apanova was obliged to sign a distribution contracts for drinkable water with the plaintiffs.
The plaintiffs took Romania up with the ECHR accusing authorities of doing nothing to execute a final court ruling, to guarantee their right to a home and to improve the inhumane living conditions they had to endure due to the lack of water and sewage.