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Romanian Pres Thrilled NAC Document Refers To Black Sea Region

Romanian president Traian Basescu said Thursday it is extremely important that the final document of the North Atlantic Council includes reference to the strategic importance of the Black Sea region and frozen conflicts in the area.
03 apr. 2008, 18:15, English
Basescu said it is important that the NAC document includes a chapter on the Black Sea, mentioning the progress made by regional bodies and ensure support for countries in the area.
The Romanian head of state added the document includes reference to the independence and territorial independence of the Republic of Moldova, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia, states with regional conflicts.
The president added the document also includes reference to energy security and member states undertake to exchange information regarding possible sabotage of energy transport infrastructure.
Basescu also said the document opens with mention of the principle of inseparability of security, which benefits all NATO member states.