Health Minister: Bucharest Tap Water Chlorine Levels Within Admitted Limits

Romanian Health Minister Sorina Pintea announced on Wednesday that tap water analysis from districts of Bucharest which reported unclean water showed chlorine concentration within admitted limits, but recommended caution until a microbiologic analysis is finished.


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Health Minister: Bucharest Tap Water Chlorine Levels Within Admitted Limits

Fourteen tap water samples gathered from Sectors 4,5 and 6 were analyzed in the test.

“Until the microbiologic analysis is finished, we recommend caution and I want to mention again that these measures were taken following reports from Sector 5 and 6 citizens having allergic reactions or asthma attacks,” said the minister.

This comes after Bucharest public water company Apa Nova announced on Wednesday that it temporarily upped the chlorine dose used to counter bacteria tap water due to an influx of water coming from melt ice or snow in its sources.

The company then announced on Thursday that the water distributed to consumers was drinkable, despite the fact that the Health Ministry recommended residents of Bucharest to temporarily refrain from using the water for drinking or cooking the previous evening.

Bucharest Public Health Directorate representative Laura Ciuca said on Wednesday that full results of the analysis will be finished next Monday.

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