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EC Calls On Romania To Exempt Energy Regulator From Unitary Wage Law

The European Commission has warned the Romanian Government the application of the unitary wage law on the country’s energy regulator ANRE could affect the institution’s independence which could bring about an infringement procedure, people close to the matter told MEDIAFAX.
EC Calls On Romania To Exempt Energy Regulator From Unitary Wage Law
Oana Gavrila
06 dec. 2010, 07:02, English

The Government, however, insists budget constraints are tight and the regulator’s independence is ensured by law.

The European Commission has sent Romania a second warning over the independence of its energy regulator that could be affected by the inclusion of its employees in the unitary wage grid for the public sector, the sources said.

„The Government will inform the European Commission that budget resources are limited due to the crisis and, under these circumstances, ANRE needs to accept the same budget constraints imposed on all state institutions. The Government will insist the institution’s independence cannot be reduced to its wage system and is guaranteed under current legislation,” the sources said.

They added the Government will consider exempting the energy regulator from the unitary wage law in the future, when the country’s economy allows it. The IMF-required wage law currently exempts the central bank, the securities, insurance and private pension regulators.